Scope of Business Operation

In the operation of insurance business, the company will use the money earned from selling insurance policies for investment in order to maximize profits. The investment has been made under acceptable and appropriate level of risk management. Major investment transactions include the investment in government bonds and state enterprise bonds, while the investment with low risk level will be made only in the business that the company is proficient in, including investing in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, local and international mutual funds, home loans (collateral mortgage service), automobile finance service, as well as investment in real estate. Details are as follows:

The Company provides comprehensive services for customers, ranging from life insurance policy, industrial insurance, personal accident insurance, group insurance to supplementary benefits which feature financial protection of health, protection against accident, protection against cancer, indemnity due to illness or accident, disability benefit, payor benefit and etc. OCLI has 171 branch offices and 52 agents nationwide.
In terms of distribution channels for customers in upcountry and Bangkok metropolitan area, agent is our key distribution channel. OCLI has extended new channels, such as corporate channel, financial institution channel and the Internet Sales. Payment channels are made easy as the insurance premium can be paid via agent, bank, Counter Service nationwide, credit card or direct debit system.

At the present, the Company provides loan services for customers, which comprise:
- Business Loans – The company offers loan service and aval acceptance or collateral mortgage service, which covers the loans of apartment, hotel, housing estate, shop house, condominium, shopping mall, medium enterprise, working capital facilities and etc. In addition, the company is prompted to allow customers to use fixed interest rate.

The scope of real estate business investment of the company will be limited and conducted under the limitation of Life Insurance Act, which allows the investment in real estate business as follows:
- The type of real estate that the company will request for the permission in investment from the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) for development or for sale.
- The acceptance of ownership transfer for the real estate being registered in the mortgage for the repayment of debt, which has added the company’s ownership of assets attached to a plot of land, land and building, including shop house and residential building, for which the company wil be put on the market at reasonable prices.

In the business operation, OCLI is confident that personnel, including the management, employees and agents, is the most important resource and is the key to move the company forward. As a result, the company emphasises and is selective in the recruitment of personnel with knowledge, competency and experience suiting to join our team, side by side with keeping proficient and good persons with us. In addition, the company fosters and creates corporate culture and shared values for employees to grow as competent personnel who is also a good person with a good sense in morals, ethics and faith in the Corporate Governance principle for business operation and social responsibility.
OCLI concentrates in the development of personnel of all leveles, regularly and continually, in order to increase knowledge, capability, leadership and potency that will keep them ready for the fulfillment of their duty, for changes, and for the business growth in the future. Moreover, the company supports the enhancement of atmosphere and working enviornment for personnel. The company encourages our employees to think, act, initiate new things and work as a team, as well as to have a sense of belonging in order to strengthen the company as the organisation of knowledge. Personnel must also have the ability to manage knowledge available in the workplace as an information hub for the organisation’s members to benefit from. In addition, the company promotes and advances the quality of life for our personnel to be able to work together with happiness, passion and commitment to the organisation as well as to have pride in one’s own occupation.