Daily Allowance Benefit Rider (DAB Extra)

Health Insurance
Resting comfortably

Resting comfortably

Receive a daily compensation when hospitalized as an inpatient, up to 4,500* baht per day for a maximum of 1,500 days**
Receive higher daily compensation when staying in the ICU

Receive higher daily compensation when staying in the ICU

Receive a daily compensation of 3 times the amount per day when hospitalized as an inpatient in the intensive care unit. (Up to a maximum of 365 days per confinement)
Ease your worries in case of a critical illness

Ease your worries in case of a critical illness

Receive a compensation of 10 times per confinement if hospitalized due to 15 critical illnesses***

Introduction of Insurance

Insurable Age

Insurable Age

6 - 70 years
(Renewable until the age of 84)
Benefit Plans

Benefit Plans

Daily compensation benefit in case of hospitalization 500 / 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 2,500 / 3,000 / 3,500 / 4,000 / 4,500
Mode of Premium Payment

Mode of Premium Payment

According to main policy’s mode of premium payment (Annual, semiannual, quarterly and monthly)
Health Checkup

Health Checkup

According to the Company's rules

Coverage and Benefit

Coverage Daily Compensation benefits (THB)
500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500
1. Daily Compensation Benefit when hospitalized as an inpatient
    1.1 For stays in a general ward within Thailand
     or the country of residence, or
500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,500 4,500
    1.2 For stays in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) within Thailand or
          the country of residence (Maximum 365 days per confinement), or
1,500 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 9,000 10,500 12,000 13,500
     1.3 For hospitalization in a foreign country**** other than Thailand
           or the country of residence
           (a) For the first 30 days of confinement
1,500 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 9,000 10,500 12,000 13,500
           (b) From day 31 of confinement onwards 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500
2. Compensation when hospitalized as an inpatient in case of
     undergoing major surgery***** For inpatients, per confinement
5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000
3. Compensation for hospitalization as an inpatient due to any of
    the listed critical illnesses*** per confinement
5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000
    3.1 Invasive Cancer
    3.2 Bacterial meningitis
    3.3 Coma
    3.4 Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery
    3.5 Acute Heart Attack
    3.6 Open Heart Surgery for the Heart Valve
    3.7 Major burn
    3.8 Major Head Trauma
3.9 Major Organs Transplantation or Bone Marrow Transplantation
3.10 Fulminant Viral Hepatitis
3.11 Major Stroke
3.12 Surgery to Aorta
3.13 Viral Encephalitis
3.14 Poliomyelitis
3.15 Elephantiasis
4. Compensation for take-home medication per confinement 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500
The combined benefit for no. 1 shall not exceed 1,500 days per confinement.

Conditions of Insurance

The Exclusions contained herein are only some parts of all exclusions stated in the insurance policy. The Company shall not cover any loss or damages due to or a result of either of the following causes.
1) Result from congenital abnormalities or the organ system of the body is incomplete at birth or genetic disease or abnormalities in physical development, unless this Rider is effective for at least one year and symptoms appear after the insured attains the age of 16.
2) Cosmetic surgery or any other treatments for skin beauty purposes, pimple, blemish, and freckles treatment, dandruff and hair fall treatment, or weight control, or elective surgeries, unless it is a skin grafting arising from accident that the rider covers.
3) Treatment or rehabilitation for addiction to narcotic drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, or psychoactive substances.
4) Pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion,childbirth, or any causes related to pregnancy, sterilization or investigation of sterilization except Choriocarcinoma.
5) Suicide or suicide attempt, self-inflicted injury or attempt of self-inflicted injury whether being his/her own action or allow others to perform while insane or not. The exclusion also includes the accident occurred due to consuming, drinking or injection of toxic substances, or drug overdose.

  • 30 days for any illnesses.
  • 120 days for the following illnesses due to hemorrhoids, tonsil or adenoid removal, all types of hernias, all types of stones, pterygium or cataracts, and endometriosis.
  • 90 days for the compensation benefit for hospitalization as an inpatient due to any critical illness according to the definitions stipulated in this rider for critical illness which has been confirmed by a medical practitioner and clearly and evidently related to the critical illnesses covered under this rider.

Q : In the case of traveling abroad and sustaining an injury or illness that requires inpatient hospitalization in a foreign country, excluding Thailand or the country of residence, for a period of 40 days, how will the company provide benefits?
A: The company will pay three times the amount shown on the policy schedule for the first 30 days of any single confinement. From the 31st to the 40th day of confinement, the company will pay benefits at the rate of the amount shown on the policy schedule.

Q : In the case of staying in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for treatment in Thailand or the country of residence, how will the company provide benefits?
A : The company will pay three times the amount shown on the policy schedule, up to a maximum of 365 days for any single confinement. From the 366th day onward, the company will pay benefits at the rate of the amount shown on the policy schedule. The total maximum payment for any single confinement shall not exceed 1,500 days.

Q : Can the Daily Compensation Benefit Rider (DAB Extra) be purchased along with the Daily Compensation Benefit Rider for Income Compensation Due to Illness or Accident (DAB) or with the Daily Allowance Benefit 2 Rider (DAB2) with the same main policy?
A : Only one of the riders DAB, DAB2, or DAB Extra can be purchased per one main policy.


*In the case of choosing the DAB Extra coverage plan with a daily benefit of 4,500 baht for the insured aged 16 to 64 years, and having a total sum insured of the main policy in ordinary type from all active policies of 1,000,000 baht or more.

**The combined benefit for daily compensation when hospitalized as an inpatient in a general ward or an intensive care unit (ICU), both in Thailand and abroad, shall not exceed 1,500 days per confinement.

***A critical illness, as defined in the Daily Compensation Benefit Rider (DAB Extra), will be covered only once, regardless of how many critical illnesses the insured may have. The company will pay benefits for only one critical illness per confinement. The company will not pay this benefit for any subsequent hospitalizations due to complications or sequelae from the same illness throughout the lifetime of the insured. However, other critical illnesses will remain covered for any future confinement.

****The duration of stay abroad must not exceed 30 consecutive days.

*****Major surgery refers to surgery that involves entering the body cavity or wall, requiring general anesthesia or regional anesthesia. The company will pay this benefit only one time per confinement.

-Underwriting is subject to the Company’s terms and conditions.

-Benefits and coverage are subject to the health insurance policy’s terms and conditions.

-The supplementary contract/endorsement has a 1-year coverage period. The insured may request to renew the supplementary contract/endorsement under the terms and conditions set by the company.

-This is only basic information. An insured should read aware of coverage condition, benefits, and exclusions of an insurance policy.

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